There are lots of groups here for you!


Small groups are an essential part of our church, as they provide a place where deeper fellowship and better support for one another can take place. We intentionally strive toward community through Sunday School, men's and women's groups, and home gatherings we call "Connections."


We like to meet in small groups. One type is through home groups we call Connections. We have groups that meet Monday - Thursday. Connections are authentic people who get together and visit.  No Bible study, just connections. We've found when we have honest relationships together, we have an easier time of asking hard questions and challenging each other to grow.  When we learn about one another the more we care about one another and know each other's needs, making it easier to put love into action.  We keep the meetings to just an hour (if we don't eat together) or an hour and a half.  And we share great food, too!


We are always looking into ways we can better serve and teach the community. In the past, we have done classes such as GriefShare, Financial Peace, and Ditch the Baggage. Check with us about different classes we are currently having! 

If you are interested in joining any of our groups, please fill out this form and we will get you into the group that is right for you.